Thursday, March 15, 2012


"OMNISCIENTIFIC COSMOLOGY - 22nd Century philosophy for the 21st Century - so that there will be a 22nd Century."

In 1979, Anthony Marr, then 35, went solo-camping in Africa for two months, looking for the philosophical holy grail vaguely known as the "MEANING OF LIFE". What he came back to Canada with is a suitcase full of 2000 pages of hand-written notes, which he eventually published in the form of his first book titled [OMNI-SCIENCE and the Human Destiny] in 2008, in which he presented his ground-breaking [Omniscientific Cosmology].

Since the Cosmos comprises All-Things, the Omniscientific Cosmology is a model of the Cosmos based on all of the physical, life and social sciences. All-the-sciences-in-one is Omni-Science.

In 1987, Anthony Marr launched the Omniscientific Cosmology to high academia, there to be tested by the brightest minds he could find. This was accomplished by means of a 5-university speaking tour, which included the University of British Columbia (his alumni university), the University of Washington, the University of Oregon, the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University. The result of this maiden voyage was a collection of 30 accolades for the Omniscientific Cosmology from a range of scientists including anthropologists, astronomers, biologists, chemists, geologists, paleontologists and physicists, and even several philosophers, for Philosophy is where ultimately the Omniscientific Cosmology belongs.

Anthony Marr, 2010.

Following are excerpts from the 30 accolades from the five top westcoast universities:

University of California @ Berkeley

Anthropology, Dr. Tim White: “… Anthony Marr’s OMNI-SCIENCE is formidable…”

Institute of Human Origins, Dr. William H. Kimbel, President: “… a profound contribution to the fundamental definition of humankind in relation to the broader universe... unifies the fragmented Western scientific disciplines… implications of great depth and breadth for the future course of human actions… too important to ignore.”

Astronomy and Physics, Dr. Marc Davis: “… a forward looking moral framework… an important contribution to society…”

Paleontology, Dr. Carole S. Hickman: “… an extraordinary intellectual undertaking… unique… intellectually and aesthetically stimulating… a bold and eclectic piece of scholarship… exceptional… a delight… optimism, concern and compassion for humanity…”

Botany, Dr. Herbert G. Baker: “… extremely interesting… an important contribution towards understanding cosmology.”

Paleontology, Dr. Donald E. Savage: “… powerful… erudite synthesis...”
Zoology, Dr. Richard C. Strohman: “… original… a thoroughly logical system… might indeed fill a large gap in the way we think...”

Biology, Dr. Richard W. Holms: “… a remarkable broad perspective… great depth... truly deserves the name OMNI-SCIENCE…”

And here is Anthony Marr's universal and eternal OMNISCIENTIFIC COSMOLOGY in a 10-minute nutshell:

Stanford University

Geology, Dr. W.R. Evitt: “… sincerity, imagination, intellectualism and scholarship… an immensely logical construct… meticulously thought out… majestic in scope but intrinsically simple, satisfying and optimistic… should have a very broad appeal… these are important ideas with great potential for lessening the conflicts in a troubled world…”

Sociology, Dr. Alex Inkeles: “… impress me not only with the quality of his presentation, but also the quality of his thinking… authoritative… exceptionally comprehensive…”

Philosophy, Dr. John Dupre: “… extremely intriguing and provocative… incomparably more edifying than the vast majority of such attempts…”

Anthropology, Dr. John W. Rick: “… very thought provoking… clearly deserves extensive discussion… a serious, well-founded vision…”

Physics, Dr. Leonard Susskind: “… I found myself stimulated, educated… worth listening to, even for those of us who are not of the same philosophical bent…”

Philosophy, Dr. John Bogart: “… compelling… have moral import…”

Applied Physics and Astrophysics, Dr. Vahe Petrosian: “… elaborate… clearly well thought out and researched… fascinating… a very ambitious task… a beautiful synthesis… captivating… should be of interest not only to experts but to all thinking people of the world…”

University of Oregon

Biology, Dr. Dennis Todd: “… a new theoretical framework… breadth of knowledge… seriousness of intellectual pursuit… keenness of insight... meaningful and coherent… masterly and cogent...”

Geology, Dr. Greg Retallack: “… fascinating and thought provoking… superior to those already available… Anthony Marr is a hard-headed thinker in the best scientific tradition. He deserves serious attention.”

Biology, Dr. Stanton A. Cook: “… a novel way of diagramming… a methodical and visual approach… a well developed message…”

Ecology, Dr. John Burket: “… instilled in me the kind of wondered awe that arises when previously nebulous thoughts, ideas and feelings suddenly crystallized into a framework of order… the germ of a new worldview… the clarity and logical order of this system gives an immediate sense of recognition of ones place in the scheme of existence… one can see from this philosophy how the future of our planet can be seen in terms of undeniable purpose and hope, a state of mind so lacking in these times… an idea whose time has come.”

University of Washington

Ecology, Sociobiology, Dr. Gordon H. Orians: “… deep thinking and widely read… thorough and accurate… a futuristic perspective, offering hope at a time when so many of us feel a deep sense of despair...”

Medicine, Biomedical History, Dr. Keith R. Benson: “… creative, highly synthetic, scientifically sound and eclectic, and extremely comprehensive… compelling…”

Geology, Dr. Stephen C. Porter: “… enlightening… a keen sense of scholarship… thought provoking… original… engaging....”
Astronomy, Dr. Woodruff T. Sullivan III: “… gives promise to lead to further insight…”

University of British Columbia

Geology and Oceanography, Dr. R.L. Chase: “…a brave attempt to give us a new, science-based philosophy, with the aim of giving humankind a common purpose… stimulating...”

Biology, Dr. Ian McTaggart-Cowan: “… seriousness of purpose… intellectual capacity… forthright… thoughtful... important… unusually talented and discipline… dedicated...”

Evolutionary Biology, Dr. G.G.E. Scudder: “… logical and thorough… original and well founded… clearly dedicated and talented…”

Astronomy and Geophysics, Dr. T.K. Menon: “… highly impressed… no question in my mind about the need to have his ideas widely discussed...”

Biology, Dr. Lee Gass: “… seriousness of purpose… strength of commitment… intellectual solidity and honesty… a degree of intellectual discipline that is rare even among professional scholars… I have no doubt that he has dedicated his life to this project…”

Physical Anthropology, Dr. Braxton M. Alfred: “… Anthony Marr’s effort is in the tradition of 19th Century scholarship, but is based solidly on 20th Century science. There is simply no modern parallel for his accomplishment… His system is extraordinarily ambitious… it purports, and is successful in my opinion, to explain hierarchical structure in the phenomenal world… truly a grand scheme… He speaks with the power and confidence of one who totally commands the material… undoubtedly, no graduate would be allowed to pursue such a project with any expectation of being awarded a degree… in spite of the fact that Mr. Marr’s product is in every way superior to any of the Ph.D. degrees this department has awarded in the twenty years of my appointment. It is characterized by careful, thoughtful attention and rigorous development. I recommend it, and him, without qualification.”

Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)

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